a branch of knowledge; "in what discipline is his doctorate?"; "teachers should be well trained in their subject"; "anthropology is the study of human beings"知識の分野科目
例:in what discipline is his doctorate? 彼の博士号はどの分野のものですか?
develop (children's) behavior by instruction and practice; especially to teach self-control; "Parents must discipline their children"; "Is this dog trained?"指導と演習により(子供たちのもの)素行を発達させる躾ける
例:Parents must discipline their children 両親は、彼らの子供たちをしつけなければならない
a system of rules of conduct or method of practice; "he quickly learned the discipline of prison routine"; "for such a plan to work requires discipline";実践のための管理や方法の規則体系規律
例:He quickly learned the discipline of prison routine. 彼はすばやく刑務所ルーチンの規律を学んだ。
the act of punishing; "the offenders deserved the harsh discipline they received"罰する行為誅罰
例:The offenders deserved the harsh discipline they received. 違反者は、彼らが受けた重い懲罰に値した。
the trait of being well behaved; "he insisted on discipline among the troops"行儀のよい特性規律正しさ
例:He insisted on discipline among the troops. 彼は軍隊の規律を主張した。