1. 注意散漫、思考が逸れる
この説明は、"absently" が思考や注意が他のことに向いている状態を示すことに焦点を当てています。人が思考を巡らせすぎて特定のことに対して無関心である場合に用いられます。
She absently stared out of the window during the meeting.
- absently looking at the clock - 無関心に時計を見ている
- thinking absently about the past - 無心で過去を考える
- absently nodding along - 無関心にうなずく
- speaking absently during lunch - 昼食中に無関心に話す
- absently flipping through a magazine - 無心で雑誌をめくる
- absently engaging in conversation - 無関心に会話をする
- absently chewing her food - 無心で食べ物を噛む
- absently browsing the web - 無心でウェブを見て回る
- absently tapping her fingers - 無心で指を叩いている
- absently drawing on a napkin - 無心でナプキンに絵を描く
He absently answered questions while lost in thought.
- absently answering the phone - 無関心に電話に出る
- absently doing homework - 無心で宿題をする
- absently walking down the street - 無心に通りを歩く
- absently staring at his computer - 無関心にコンピュータを見つめている
- absently scrolling through his phone - 無心で電話をスクロールする
- absently listening to music - 無関心に音楽を聴く
- absently packing her bag - 無心でバッグを詰める
- absently watching TV - 無心でテレビを見る
- absently playing with a pen - 無心でペンをいじる
- absently spacing out in class - 無心で授業でぼんやりする
2. 夢中になっている
She absently awaited the results of the competition.
- absently awaiting a reply - 無心で返事を待つ
- absently anticipating the outcome - 無心で結果を期待する
- absently hoping for a better future - 無心でより良い未来を願う
- absently dreaming of possibilities - 無心で可能性を夢見る
- absently considering options - 無心で選択肢を考える
- absently planning for the trip - 無心で旅行の計画を立てる
- absently reflecting on decisions - 無心で決定を振り返る
- absently pondering the next steps - 無心で次のステップを考える
- absently wishing for change - 無心で変化を望む
- absently preparing for an interview - 無心で面接の準備をする