1. 病気の起源と発展(病理学的観点)
The study of pathogenesis is crucial for understanding how diseases originate and progress.
- pathogenesis of infectious diseases - 感染症の病因
- pathogenesis of autoimmune disorders - 自己免疫疾患の病因
- pathogenesis of cancer - がんの病因
- pathogenesis in chronic conditions - 慢性疾患における病因
- molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis - 病因の分子メカニズム
- role of inflammation in pathogenesis - 病因における炎症の役割
- pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases - 神経変性疾患の病因
- relationship between genetics and pathogenesis - 遺伝と病因の関係
- pathogenesis as a target for therapy - 治療のための標的としての病因
- biochemical pathways in pathogenesis - 病因における生化学的経路
Understanding the pathogenesis of a disease helps in determining the treatment plan and evaluating prognosis.
- evaluating prognosis through pathogenesis - 病因を通しての予後評価
- implications of pathogenesis on treatment - 治療における病因の含意
- pathogenesis and its clinical outcomes - 病因とそれに伴う臨床結果
- impact of pathogenesis on disease management - 疾患管理に対する病因の影響
- understanding pathogenesis to predict outcomes - 結果を予測するための病因の理解
- pathogenesis and treatment response - 病因と治療反応の関係
- correlation of pathogenesis with disease severity - 病因と疾患の重症度の相関
- pathogenesis as a factor in mortality - 死亡率における病因の要因
- contributions of pathogenesis to disease burden - 疾患負担への病因の寄与
- clinical implications of pathogenesis - 病因の臨床的含意
2. 疾患研究と予防(疫学的観点)
Pathogenesis plays an important role in epidemiological research, allowing for the development of disease prevention strategies.
- pathogenesis in public health - 公衆衛生における病因
- epidemiological studies of pathogenesis - 病因の疫学的研究
- addressing pathogenesis in disease prevention - 疾病予防における病因への対処
- community health and pathogenesis - 地域公衆衛生と病因
- understanding population-level pathogenesis - 集団レベルでの病因の理解
- pathogenesis and its implications for disease control - 病因と疾病制御への影響
- role of pathogenesis in outbreak investigations - 疫学調査における病因の役割
- pathogenesis in health education - 健康教育における病因
- strategies for preventing pathogenesis - 病因を防ぐための戦略
- public awareness of pathogenesis - 病因に対する公衆の認識
Understanding pathogenesis contributes to the formulation of infectious disease strategies and public health policies.
- policy development based on pathogenesis - 病因に基づく政策開発
- pathogenesis and outbreak preparedness - 病因と発生準備
- pathogenesis in vaccine development - ワクチン開発における病因
- planning based on pathogenesis research - 病因研究に基づく計画
- pathogenesis informing health policies - 健康政策に対する病因の情報提供
- effectiveness of interventions relating to pathogenesis - 病因に関連する介入の効果
- public health initiatives considering pathogenesis - 病因を考慮した公衆衛生の取り組み
- pathogenesis and global health security - 病因と世界保健の安全保障
- funding research on pathogenesis - 病因に関する研究への資金提供
- collaborative studies on pathogenesis - 病因に関する共同研究