- 卒業式
意味1: 卒業式
【Example 1】
A: Are you excited for your graduation this weekend?
A: 今週末の卒業式を楽しみにしてる?
B: Yes, I can't believe it's finally here!
B: うん、やっと来たなんて信じられないよ!
【Example 2】
A: What are you planning to wear to your graduation?
A: あなたの卒業式には何を着る予定なの?
B: I'm thinking of wearing a nice dress.
B: 素敵なドレスを着ようと思ってるよ。
【Example 3】
A: Did you invite anyone to your graduation ceremony?
A: あなたの卒業式に誰かを招待した?
B: Yes, my parents and some friends are coming.
B: はい、両親と何人かの友達が来る予定です。
- 教育機関からの卒業
- 新卒者の雇用に関する文脈
意味1: 教育機関からの卒業
【Example 1】
A: We have a graduation ceremony coming up next week.
B: That sounds exciting! Are we inviting any companies to the graduation?
【Example 2】
A: How many students will be attending the graduation this year?
B: Around 200 students are expected to join the graduation.
【Example 3】
A: The company is planning to recruit fresh graduates after their graduation.
B: That's a great idea to connect with new talent during graduation.
意味2: 新卒者の雇用に関する文脈
【Example 1】
A: We should start our recruitment campaign before the graduation season.
B: Yes, we need to attract talent early before their graduation.
【Example 2】
A: The graduation period is a key time for us to find new employees.
B: Absolutely, we can host a job fair during the graduation month.
【Example 3】
A: How does our company plan to engage with graduates after their graduation?
B: We’re looking to provide internships for them right after graduation.
1. 卒業・修了
After graduation from college, she plans to work in marketing.
My graduation ceremony is scheduled for next March.
- graduation ceremony - 卒業式
- graduation day - 卒業の日
- high school graduation - 高校卒業
- college graduation - 大学卒業
- graduation party - 卒業パーティー
- graduation gift - 卒業祝い
- graduation speech - 卒業式のスピーチ
- graduation requirements - 卒業要件
- graduation rate - 卒業率
- graduation gown - 卒業式用ガウン
- before graduation - 卒業前
- after graduation - 卒業後
- graduation class - 卒業クラス
- upcoming graduation - 近づく卒業
2. 段階的な配列・目盛り
The thermometer has clear graduations marking each degree.
- color graduation - 色の段階的変化
- temperature graduation - 温度目盛り
- scale graduation - 目盛りの刻み
- fine graduation - 細かい目盛り
- gradual graduation - 段階的な変化